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​Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund
​About FEEA

FEEA​ is a terrific organization whose mission is to assist federal employees whenever and wherever the need arises.  It is the only non-profit organization devoted solely to helping federal employees!  FEEA helps federal employees every day through three signature programs.

  • Annual Scholarship Competition: FEEA sponsors an annual merit-based contest.  It also administers scholarships for nearly 300 students who lost a parent in the Oklahoma City tragedy, the terrorist attacks on U.S. embassies, and at the Pentagon on 9/11.
  • Emergency Assistance Program: These loans help federal employees with unforeseen emergencies such as pay error, catastrophic weather event, or death in the family.
  • Child Care Subsidy Program: FEEA administers a program for 29 federal agencies.​

In 1986, the situation was not much different from today - federal budgets were being cut, the federal workforce was being reduced and many elected officials were particularly critical of federal employees.  The National Council of Social Security Management Associations (NCSSMA) and three other management/union groups laid the groundwork for what became FEEA.  The board has expanded over the years, but NCSSMA remains active and committed to FEEA.  Jerry Nelson, retired Social Security Administration manager and past president of the Kansas City Management Association, serves on the FEEA Executive Board.

FEEA Scholarship Program 
​A Message from FEEA
Since 1986, FEEA has offered scholarships to more than 10,000 individuals, including providing nearly 200 scholarships to the children of federal civilian employees who died or were severely injured in the line of duty during the terrorist attacks on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, the Pentagon on 9-11, and the US Embassies and Consulates in Kenya, Tanzania, and Libya. 

Collectively, our scholarship program to date totals over $14 million. FEEA champions the pursuit of higher education and each year supports over 200 students with merit-based scholarships.​

Applications for the 2023 program are being accepted.  The deadline is Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 3:00 PM ET.  More information on applying can be found at the FEEA Scholarship page.  ​
How You Can Help
Please help FEEA sustain the programs that matter to federal families.  You can help other federal employees in need through:
  • Individual Donations:  Please help FEEA sustain the programs that matter most to federal families through individual donations.  
  • Securities and Gifts:  You can support federal employees through FEEA by donating securities and matching and legacy gifts.  Remember FEEA is a non-profit and all of its assistance goes only to federal employees in times of need.
  • Feds in Motion Challenge:  Join FEEA across the United States and in the D.C. Area at National Harbor on ​May 1 through June 6, 2023.  You can register to run/walk or volunteer here.

​​​Thank you for supporting FEEA!