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​​​​​NCSSMA Membership
Why Should I Become a Member?

An Organization that Works for You

The National Council of Social Security Management Associations (NCSSMA)​ is a professional organization that strives to further the goals of SSA from a management perspective by having an open dialogue with regional and national leaders.  Many agency leaders are former or current members of our respective regional associations.  By joining your regional association, you automatically become a member of NCSSMA.


Why Should I Join?

  • ​We are a respected organization that represents your interests in a positive and professional manner.  You will be joining an active and vibrant organization of your peers.
  • You can make a difference!  You can raise issues and make suggestions for change to improve our service to the public and express concerns, problems and views through a collective, unfiltered voice.  We serve as a channel of communications both to and from Central and Regional Offices.
  • Membership provides networking opportunities for you to meet and collaborate with your peers both regionally and nationally.  We provide a forum for sharing information and ideas.
  • We will keep you informed about issues and events that you might not otherwise hear about affecting Social Security and federal employees.
  • For career advancement, membership provides excellent opportunities for meeting and interacting with area, regional and national leaders.



  • Providing congressional testimony by members on budget and service delivery issues
  • Advocating for our interests through our Washington Representative on Capitol Hill
  • Working with federal advocacy groups to improve or protect federal employee benefits
  • Representing management on national and regional workgroups
  • Providing input through position papers and direct interaction with executives
  • Influencing policy changes
  • Providing input that often results in streamlined procedures  
  • Gaining improvements in automation and other systems enhancement 

President of the National Council of Social Security Management Associations

NCSSMA is a membership organization of over 3,000 SSA management positions that provides leadership in over 1,200 Field Offices and Teleservice Centers throughout the country.  For over fifty years, NCSSMA has worked to ensure that the knowledge and experience of front-line management are included in all phases of agency planning and decision making.  We advocate for an SSA that remains customer focused and provides excellent public service while embracing technological advances and innovation.  

Every year, the national management association works on a variety of issues that further our goals of improving service to the public and supporting field and TSC managers.  We have successfully argued for higher budgets for SSA, FERS Sick Leave conversion, and adequate FO and TSC resources.  The following are a few recent accomplishments and activities: 

  • NCSSMA has devoted significant time and resources in telling our front-line perspective to Congress in support of an adequate SSA budget.  Our efforts have helped to create unprecedented national awareness of the budget issues facing SSA and the service delivery difficulties inadequate budgets cause.  
  • NCSSMA has been an important voice on Capitol Hill and has testified before Congress on numerous occasions.  Most recent was oral and written testimony provided to the United States Senate Special Committee on Aging on protecting seniors from impersonation scams.
  • NCSSMA has established collaborative relationships with other governmental agencies such as the Office of Management and Budget, Office of Personnel Management and the Social Security Advisory Board.  The relationships we have nurtured are important to initiatives related to SSA and federal employees in general. 
  • NCSSMA partners with the Federal-Postal Coalition, comprised of other management associations and federal unions.  In addition, NCSSMA is part of the Government Managers Coalition comprised of four other professional management associations focused on federal employee issues nationwide.
  • NCSSMA continues to provide input and engage agency leaders through productive working relationships on a wide variety of issues, including the following:
    • Direct input from NCSSMA representatives on workgroups such as:  Quality, Human Resources, Field Office Design, the National eServices Advisory Council and Telework.
    • Automation enhancements
    • Program simplification proposals
    • Adequate FO and TSC resources to address public service, quality and stewardship responsibilities
    • Improving SSA electronic and online services 
  • ​NCSSMA provides comments on literally hundreds of technical and policy proposals each year.

Many of our members have expressed appreciation for the information received through the national management association that they do not receive anywhere else.  This kind of information sharing keeps us all connected as managers and supervisors.

Your membership enables you to have access to this information.  Your membership also supports the ability of the organization to achieve the results shown above and gives you a voice in front of agency leaders and Members of Congress.


Gregory Brusik

NCSSMA President

Testimonials          NCSSMA Backgrounder          Presidents Report