The National Council of Social Security Management Associations (NCSSMA) is a professional organization that strives to further the goals of SSA from a management perspective by having an open dialogue with regional and national leaders. Many agency leaders are former or current members of our respective regional associations.Why Should I Join?We are a respected organization that represents your interests in a positive and professional manner. You will be joining an active and vibrant organization of your peers. You can make a difference by raising issues and making suggestions for change to improve our service to the public. You can also express concerns, problems, and views through a collective, unfiltered voice. We serve as a channel of communications both to and from Central and Regional Offices.Our accomplishments include:- Providing congressional testimony by members on budget and service delivery issues
- Advocating for our interests through our Washington Representative on Capitol Hill
- Working with federal advocacy groups to improve or protect federal employee benefits
- Representing management on national and regional workgroups
- Providing input through position papers and direct interaction with executives
- Influencing policy changes
- Providing input that often results in streamlined procedures
- Gaining improvements in automation and other systems enhancement
How Do I Join?- If you are an active member of your regional association, you are automatically a member of NCSSMA.
- If you would like to become a member of NCSSMA and are not an active member of your regional management association, please use the links below:
Region 1 - New England Social Security Management Association (NESSMA) Represents Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont
| Bridgeport, CT
| Region 2 - New York Region Management Society (NYRMS) Represents New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
| Diane Wilcox Ogdensburg, NY | Region 3 - Philadelphia Region Management Association (PRMA) Represents Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia
| Lynchburg, VA
| Region 4 - Atlanta Region Social Security Management Association (ARMA) Represents Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee
| Hopkinsville, KY
| Region 5 - Chicago Social Security Management Association (CSSMA) Represents Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin and Minnesota
| | Michael (Mike) Weitl Peru, IL | Region 6 - Dallas Region Management Association (DRMA) Represents Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas
| James Tollett Pine Bluff, AR | Region 7 - Kansas City Management Association (KCMA) Represents Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska
| Robin Hoffman Des Moines, IA
| Region 8 - Denver Region Social Security Management Association (DRSSMA) Represents Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah
|  | Roshawn Barnes Aurora, CO
| Region 9 - San Francisco Region Management Association (SFRMA) Represents California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, and Saipan
| Maria Perez-Tolbert Santa Cruz, CA | Region 10 - Northwest Management Association (NWMA) Represents Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
| Mark FanslerPortland, OR |