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McNamara Award
Each year, the James P McNamara Community Service award is bestowed upon a member of NESSMA.  This award recongizes one of our members who performs outstanding service work in his or her community.  Many volunteer through community activites, through church or religious organziations, with sports or children's activities, or by volunteering at an agency or facility, or by helping the elderly.  Their quiet self-sacrifice is a testimony to human kindness and generosity and epitomizes the true nature of public service. 
2007         Doug Loux
2008          Cathi Vadala
2009          Elizabeth Fitzpatrick
2010          Cuong Do and Trung Huynh
2011          Tom Savage
2012          Bob Sciaudone         
2013          Michael Blum
2014          Gary Ottenbreit
2015          Nicole Bure
2016          Carla Martin
2017          Pedro Ruiz
2018          Jocelyn  Lydon
2019         Michael Ceprano